If you prefer to fill in the form manually to send it by email together with the payment receipt, you can do it from here:
Download the adult registration form
Download the registration form for minors
Cost of an adult course: €120.00
Cost of two adult courses: €140.00
A reduction of € 20.00 is applied to enrollments completed by 15 May, so that one adult course costs € 100.00, two adult courses € 120.00.
The workshop for children costs €20.00.
Payment must be made by bank transfer with the following coordinates:
Account holder: Elenaledda Vox
At: Monte dei Paschi Siena - Cagliari
IBAN Code: IT28G0103004800000063235360
reason: "Registration for Seminars of Music, Song and Folk Dance Mare e Miniere 2025" + Name + Surname indicated in the registration form